vitae 0.2.0

New templates and more features

Mitchell O’Hara-Wild


July 12, 2019


May 1, 2024

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The v0.2.0 update to the vitae package is now available on CRAN, and along with it comes with new templates and more features. Read on to learn more, or refer to the changelog for a brief summary.

New templates and themes

This release introduces 5 new styles ready for you to try with your vitae. Theme support for moderncv has been added, allowing you to choose between casual (existing default), classic, oldstyle, banking and fancy. Themes for moderncv are specified in the YAML header:

    theme: classic

Newly added is the classic theme from the latexcv template is now available using the vitae::latexcv output format. Other themes from this template will be added in a future version (contributions welcomed).

If you’d like to contribute a new template to the vitae package, take a look at the creating vitae templates vignette.


This update includes a few incremental improvements. For those creating a new CV you’ll now start from a more complete example of a vitae that features usage of brief_entries(), detailed_entries() and bibliography_entries(). We hope that this will make it easier for you to see how each of these functions work, giving you a quick start to making your own résumé.

We’ve also added two new arguments for the YAML header. docname can be used to modify the “Curriculum Vitae” or “Résumé” text that exists in the template. We’ve also added surname, which allows special template formatting (output for the name remains unchanged).

Speaking of surnames, this field will now appear in the dataset returned by bibliography_entries(). This is particularly useful for the improvements made to sorting bibliography entries, as they will now respect the order from the data.

Lastly there is a new data sources for vitae vignette, which highlights a few useful approaches to getting data into your CV.

Breaking changes

Unfortunately we didn’t get the interface for bibliography_entries() exactly right in the first version. We have decided that the title and sorting are not required and have deprecated them.

The sorting argument was a common source of confusion for users that are unfamiliar the sorting interface for LaTeX’s biblatex. Instead, we now use the order of entries in the tibble returned by bibliography_entries(), which allows you to use dplyr::arrange() to re-order the entries to suit your needs. Instead of using the title argument, we now recommend that you use markdown headers.


Thanks to contributions from @chrisumphlett, and @jonmcalder for this release. Contributions are welcomed, check out the GitHub repository for more details:


BibTeX citation:
  author = {O’Hara-Wild, Mitchell},
  title = {Vitae 0.2.0},
  date = {2019-07-12},
  url = {},
  langid = {en}
For attribution, please cite this work as:
O’Hara-Wild, Mitchell. 2019. “Vitae 0.2.0.” July 12, 2019.